Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Ambition in Macbeth - 734 Words

Ever since he heard the prophecies that promised him power, Macbeth’s mind has been descending into a disoriented state as times passed. In the duration of Acts 1 and 2, Macbeth, under the influence of Lady Macbeth and his own ambition, has changed from being a rational, level-headed man to one of questionable integrity. With Macbeth’s coronation, not only does his inner turmoil affect his mentality, but also his behaviour and senses. Scotland is immersed in more chaos by Macbeth’s hunger for supremacy, his acknowledgement of his crimes, and by further disturbance in the human order and divine order. As king, Macbeth’s desire for power becomes more evident. He begins to risk anything for his greed. Willing to cast aside†¦show more content†¦He reasons that â€Å"[he is] in blood stepped in so far†. He has already killed, and cannot stop, because â€Å"should [he] wade no more, returning were as tedious as go o’er† (III, iv, 12 0). There seems to be no hint of regret in his tone. On the contrary, Lady Macbeth appears to feel remorse for what she and Macbeth have done. She freely admits that â€Å"nought’s had, all’s spent, where [their] desire is got without content† (III, ii, 4-5). As a result of their focus on the prophecies, Macbeth’s mind has been â€Å"full of scorpions† (III, ii, 36). Even Macbeth’s appearance reflects his inner self. His wife tells him to â€Å"sleek o’er [his] rugged looks† (III, ii, 27). To him, the threat is Banquo and his son Fleance, when ironically, Macbeth is the real threat. In the last scene of Act III, Lennox confirms that â€Å"[their] suffering country† is â€Å"under a hand accursed†, referring to Macbeth (III, vi, 48-49). The hierarchy in Scotland is falling apart due to divisions in loyalty. Macduff does not support Macbeth, as proven when he relinquishes his title in Scotland to join Malcolm and br ing back an army to overthrow Macbeth. In Scene 1, Banquo vocalizes his fear that â€Å"[Macbeth] play’dst most foully† to acquire the title of King of Scotland (III, i, 3). The ties that once were strong between the noblemen have now been severed. Such dissension in the nobility of Scotland can only end with the country being disunited. The circumstances of the human order are paralleled in the divineShow MoreRelatedAmbition And Ambition In Macbeth1240 Words   |  5 Pagesintroduced to Macbeth in the play, King Duncan of Scotland is hearing how General Macbeth and General Banquo subdued Norwegian forces and arrested the Thane of Cawdor for treason. He seems to have a high moral standing and is a strong character, but Macbeth and Banquo meet three witches in the woods, they refer to him as Baron of Glamis, Baron of Cawdor, and then king. They also say that although Macbeth will be king, Banquos sons will become kings as well, even if Banquo will not. 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